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Oct. 28, 2021

Non- Salesy Copywriting Secrets Revealed

Marketing can be icky, and it does not have to be. Listen in as Lynn Coleman and Divya Parekh discuss the ins and outs of organic copywriting. You'll learn copywriting secrets that will help you create branded content to con…
Oct. 16, 2021

Save Your Career from a COVID-19 Break

Are you worried that your career is ruined because of a break? Well, it's not! Join Divya Parekh and Linley Baker in how to fit your career around the rest of your life. Join us to discover how you can return stronger than w…
Oct. 16, 2021

The Next Normal Company Culture

The world has changed dramatically. As companies enter the next normal, company culture demands workplace transformations. Join Divya Parekh and Jennifer Horspool to learn about creating a culture that will your employees th…
Oct. 16, 2021

Innovation In Action

One-third of would-be entrepreneurs lack the confidence to get started. What does it take to build the resiliency to live outside your comfort zone so you can create something new? Join Divya Parekh and Rafi Pryntz-Nadworny …
Oct. 15, 2021

College Bound Strategies

Families often misunderstand the cost of higher education. Placing retirement assets in the wrong place will cost families tens of thousands. Similarly, business owners don't often know how their business will be assessed, a…
Oct. 14, 2021

The Courage to Advance

Behind what can be seen on the outside—behind every leader—there is a great struggle, pain, sickness, tremendous work, and sacrifice. Join Divya Parekh and Bonnie Hagemann to learn how you can get through life when you feel …
Aug. 19, 2021

Hearing and Brain Health

Only 1 in 5 people who could benefit from hearing aids wear them. Join Divya Parekh and Dr. Mark Syms to learn how hearing loss is linked to a 30-40% greater risk of cognitive decline. You'll find out the four essential step…
Aug. 19, 2021

Type A to Mindful Leaders

Most A-Type people operate at a more urgent pace, demonstrate higher levels of impatience, have a more competitive nature, and may associate self-worth with achievement. Join Divya Parekh and Lindy Lewis to learn how to slow…
Aug. 10, 2021

Taking the First Steps

The path to healing and recovery is often a winding road, circling back to emotions, habits, relationships, and wounds that continually help us grow. Join Divya Parekh and Leah Guy to learn how to work directly on the issues…
July 31, 2021

Launch Your Dream Product from Nothing

Join Divya Parekh, Eliza Harkins, and Andre Henry to learn how to create your dream product and how to become a self-made millionaire. Everyone has an idea of a product or service that makes the world better. But those produ…
July 15, 2021

Find Your Power and Ask for More of What You Want

A recent Boston College study shows that while girls negotiating equally with men and women at the early ages of childhood. They stop negotiating with men starting at age eight. Sadly, many of us never go back to those early…
July 8, 2021

Three Life Lessons from Secret Service

In protecting others, Melanie learned the tools on how to address many tough and messy aspects of life, including depression, divorce, and beyond. Join Divya Parekh and Melanie Lentz, a former secret service agent, to discov…
June 30, 2021

Work Less and Achieve More

Join Divya Parekh and Kris Ward as they explore how to get your dream projects out easily and make more money! You'll learn how to have a business that supports your life instead of consuming it by working half the time you'…
June 30, 2021

Design Your Dream Business and Life

Join Divya Parekh and Michael Zeller to explore paradoxes: how you can be successful and good, wealthy and kind, and powerful and of service to humanity. They will explore how to pinpoint your deepest purpose, the greatest g…
June 30, 2021

Achieve Your Goals With Ease

Join Divya Parekh, David Dube, and Doug Brown for a panel discussion on why we fall short at reaching our goals time and time again. There's a method to the madness and it's not as difficult as you'd like to think. You'll le…
June 30, 2021

Elevating Quality of Life

Most families are frustrated with the care they receive in our broken health care system that addresses the symptoms rather than looking at the root causes. Join Divya Parekh and Dr. Ana-Maria Temple to learn how to achieve …
June 9, 2021

Challenging Financial Beliefs

Join Divya Parekh and Bill Westrom to discover if your financial beliefs are your beliefs or someone else’s? You'll also learn that the traditional model” of banking and borrowing - how we bank and borrow - is the primary ca…
May 21, 2021

How to Cope with HOPE

What happens if we view pain as our protective guardian? Instead of merely suppressing symptoms, we empower ourselves once again to “FEEL… Forgive and Release” any trapped, harmful sensations which can be rooted in our body,…
May 21, 2021

How Clubhouse Could Uplevel Your Business

Join Divya Parekh and Jodeen Bergstrom to learn how to be present authentically, keep your audience on the edge of their seats and build your community via Clubhouse rooms They will explore how to leverage the Clubhouse to g…
May 18, 2021

How to Negotiate Your Best Life

Join Divya Parekh, Cindy Watson, and Paul Hellman to learn about negotiation. It may be the most important skill you ever learn. Yet everything we're taught about negotiation is wrong. We've been conditioned to see negotiati…
May 3, 2021

Music And Happiness

Join Divya Parekh and Vincent James to explore emotional management and how you can program your brain for happiness and success by simply listening to music intentionally. Also, you get to hear Vincent's song, "Now is the t…
May 3, 2021

Money Moves To Build Your Money Empire!

Join Divya Parekh, Keyonna Cox, and Jessica Weaver to learn how to build a solid relationship with money through saving, spending, giving, and investing. You'll learn how to earn your worth, become a better negotiator, earn …
May 3, 2021

Tap Into Kindness Through Stillness in 3

Join Diana Cole and Divya Parekh to create an oasis within yourself, especially if you find that you are often moving too fast to give much thought to how you’re speaking to yourself or others? Practicing kindness toward you…
March 24, 2021

Leadership in 2021

Join Cindy Constable and Divya Parekh as they explore what shifts most effective leaders will embrace in 2021. You will learn how the shifts will equip leaders to lead remotely from the kitchen or in-person, elevate company …